tisdag 27 januari 2009


That's the title of the chapter we'll have an English test on today... And pressure sure is what that test brings. I've acctually tried to study to the test... Thist time I really did it... But I don't know if it'll be enough. Because some of the words in the part "jinxed basketball game" are just too weird... I hope I'll make it through with somewhat good grades... ehehee... Maybe I'll score the same amount of points as Lisa-chan ^.^ (no matter what that will always happen -.-''). We even got the same number of points in the upper secondary school application point system (the points we'll apply for a upper secondary school with)... Come to think of it... I'll have to apply for an school today... But I only have a first choice (I need three of them -.-)... Yabai.
Our English teacher has been absent due to illnes pretty much lately... I really hope that she's alright. It'd be horrible to lose our favourite teacher.. again...
Well I didn't have anything special in mind for this morning post... So I'll go and study for now. Keep up the hard work guys. Jaa-ne'

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