måndag 29 september 2008


Good morning!
I woke up an hour ago, and i'm wery exited about todays hairdresser appointment.
I was thinking about cutting my hair just a little bit shorter, because i'm gonna let it grow so I can plait it. Damn I gotta go. I'll continue with the post later on to the evening. Bye bye!

söndag 28 september 2008

Back home!

Hello! My dear blog post reading friends! I'm home again.
I've been on a political education camp the entire weekend. It was wery instructive, interesting and the most important part, it was so much fun!
So now i'm gonna tell you about the camp.
At the first day we arrived to a hotel called Scandic. We got our room numbers, and then it begin. The hectic room changing. Me and my friend had gotten split up in two different rooms, so we did our best to get the key card I needed to her room. I changed rooms with two persons, and then finally I got the bed place. My friend and I (her name is Lisa-chan)... So Lisa-chan and I shared our room with a girl called Åsa-chan, she's really nice.
After we had unpacked our things into the rooms, we had our first meeting. They wished us welcome to the *Funkis education camp. Then we had our dinner. After the dinner the meetings went on to 9 pm, and then we were free to do anything we wanted (or at least allmost anything).
The next morning Åsa-chan, Lisa-chan and I woke up 7.30. The bed I slept in was SOO SOFT so it really was hard to get up from it. It happened so much on Saturday so I don't remember everything. But I remember that I got many new friends, for example.. David he sat next to me during the meetings, so I learned to know him pretty fast. He had practically much the same interst's as I have (manga, anime, and so on..). And then there was this Erik named boy, he was really lively, one of the youngest ones in the whole group of about 25-people. They were the ones that I learned to know the best.
One thing was a bit creepy, David's big brother was on the camp too. He lives like 200km from where I live, and he knows my brother... It may not sound so special when you read this, but believe me it sure feels weird.
On the evening we got free again so Lisa-chan and I went to our room to watch some tv. There were many good channels^^, ... And suddenly there started to come people into our room, first Erik, then Vicktor (I'm so sorry I dunno how to spell it), then Simon-chan. In the end there was like ten persons in this narrow little three bed's room.
One of the guys, ermm... like.. I think his name was Alex, told us about their little prank plan... (Alex was the master mind behind everything).
And made us promise not to tell anything to anyone^^
Later on the evening.. Or should I say night, when two guys were already asleep. Alex and his friends sneaked into the guys room (of couse with a stolen key card), then they pulled up the guys blankets and poured these jug's full of ice-pieces onto their bodies. At the same time I, David, Lisa-chan, Åsa-chan and Simon-chan, were sitting in a hall like thing, where you could see all the room doors. We were all waiting quietly at their reaction, when suddenly somebody started to scream, and Alex & his company bolted past the place we were sitting at. Just a few seconds after that the two guys came running, furious and screaming, all wet and just in their underwear (one of them acctually had a blanket over him). They were crying out; *'How did they get in to our room!?.'* We were all laughing our asses off. Pretending like we didn't know anything about the prank. So when the guys started to search for the teasers (still just in their underwear) I could'nt help but to feel a bit like a criminals assistant my self, even if I did'nt do anything. ^.^
When everybody came back, from where they'd been hiding we sneaked past the pissed guys room door into the "manly" fellows room, where we tried to come up with something to do, to keep us from falling asleep. Anyways we failed with that. Åsa-chan and I was lying on David's bed. Lisa-chan was sitting on a bed besides of Simon-chan and Viktor (spelling?..). Erik was lying on his own bed. And poor David was sitting on a chair. Åsa-chan fell asleep first, I was dozing off, and everyone else was goofing around, talking about weird things. In the end we all fell asleep around 5am. And suprise, suprise, we had to get up 7.30 so we had like 2h30min sleep -.-''
When I woke up my eyes was all red and itchy..
We ate our breakfast, packed our things and checked out of the hotel.
And got on our bus, home.
We arrived to our home town 13.10, after a 2h long bus trip. After a fifteen minutes car ride I got home. And here I am after a exhausting day, writing in my blog.
Well I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post today! Cya!

tisdag 23 september 2008


It has been a exhausting day, today.
Lately i've been dozing off, and feeling really down.. It's like, i'm lost inside of my thoughts.. like I don't have any streight left to continue with the life, it's just so hard to always have to push forvards, to never get a break.. But you got'ta do what you got'ta do.. And if I wish to fulfil my dreams I just have to keep on going. Work my ass off ^.^

I was in the city with my friend today, we were eating at a place caller 'Frasses' (its an ordinary hamburger-bar).
And everything began to go wrong, when I was standing besides the table, my phone started to ring so I tried to get it out of my jacket pocket, and while I was doing that my arm accidentally hit the cup of lemonade, it fell over and all of the lemonade spread on the floor.. And when I bent down (talking in the phone), in order to clean up the mess, I had caused. My money fell out of my pocket right in to the lemonade-.-'' Talking about bad luck!
After that me and my friend went to a grocery store near the hamburger-bar to buy something to eat for the bus trip on Friday (we're going to this political camp, it's a educating thing).
And last, we got on our bus home.
By the way, I want to apoligize about the spelling mistakes in the previous blog posts, I was scrolling down my old blog posts and notised that I had made damn many of them.
Now I have to go, so cya!

måndag 22 september 2008

Home-work.. -.-

Hello people!

Today I don't really feel like writing much, so i'm gonna keep this short.
I made the huge effort to wake up this morning, just in time, so I would'nt miss the school buss.
I have this really nasty morning temper, so all I do is like walk around in the kitchen and make faces like this ----> ^-^ towards other people... Yes, you could think that it's not a bad thing, maybe even that it's really nice, but when the room is filled with people who acctually really have a real bad morning temperament, it turns out to be annoying, so it has the opposite influence on them.

My school day was pretty Ok.. When the "day" was over, got this huge pile of homework with us, so now I just have to write an essay about my opinions towards plastic surgery, in english. In mathematics i'm just finishing the ''hell's' chapter, or that's what I like to call it.
We have; chemistry, history, mathematics and english -tests coming up soon.
So I doubt that i'll have any free time left to be with my friends on, at the coming weeks-.-''
Anyways. This was my "keep it short" blog post.
Tank's for reading it. Bye, bye!

söndag 21 september 2008


Good morning, minnasan.
I really don't know why. But all of a sudden I had a urgent feeling that I have to write in my blog.
I just woke up, so my mind is swaying some where in the outer spaces.
I really don't have anything to write about...
Oh.. yeah!
I had this really weird dream. It was about this guy that is in the same class as me, he's pretty stupid. And I don't find him attracting in any way.. Yeah, so we were at a camp, I think. And all of a sudden the door to the room we were standing in got locked, so we did'nt get out. Then this stupid guy turns his face in my direction, I can tell he has something going on in his *moyashi brains, he starts walking towards me. Then suddenly his face gets pale like a blanket, and he is staring at a spot behind me. So I turn around, and there is this weird looking character behind me. After a while I see that it's a human, a guy.. when he comes closer his face "shines" up, and it's Gackt I was looking at. The moron guy from my class goes up in these flame like things, and dissapears. Then I wake up... The first thing I thought of was, Goddamid i've been listening to much to Gackt's music.
So I guess that it would be better for me to cut down the Gackt music part a bit. And start to listening at Dir en grey a bit more.
But now i'm going to grab something to eat.

lördag 20 september 2008

Inspiration from internet

Hello people.
I got inspired from an other blog i'm reading now.
This thought suddenly hit me, 'If I write everything in english, every one will be capable to read about my toughts and opinions'.
No matter how much my english spelling sucks, i'm sure that you'll be able to understand at least a bit of the text.
So, the blog i'm reading is written by a american girl, originally born in China, who has studied about a year in Japan.
Her thoughts and opinions are wery smart, and very intresting.
As for me who is going to study in Japan for a whole year, the imformation is wery good, and partly important.
The more I read about other people who've studied in Japan, the sooner I want to get there.
But two more years.. Then if I get accepted, i'll be able to go there^.^
At the moment i'm listening at Gackt. A new discovery by me (as I wrote in the earlier blog post). He's really charming, and quite cute :P
I've been talking with a friend of mine on msn for the last three hours, I really miss her.
She moved to a other part of sweden, in the beginning of the summer vacation.
I've been a bit lonley after that : /
We had this wery long nostalgic convesation, about a day when we sat on the school yard and ate pockey's, we were both wery depressed, it was the last day I was able to spend with her :( I haven't seen her ever since...
She seems to be fine with her new life, tough she misses the life here, in the north part of Sweden.
But i've gotta go now, and let my pa' come to the computer. c-ya later!
By the way, the song name Redemption was spelled right. G-night.
Hej och hå!

Förlåt för uppbehållet i bloggandet, men de fem sista dagarna har bara varit så extremt tråkiga, att jag inte orkat troka ut er med imformation om dem.

Idag har jag bara i stort sett chillat.

Suttit vid datorn, sökt efter imformation om det japanska skol livet och gjort lite engelska uppgifter.

Alltså inget speciellt.

Det enda intressanta som hänt under veckan är nog, att jag blivit erbjuden om positionen som gudmor till min några veckor gamla kusin.

Även om jag nu inte är den största småbarns fan'et i världen, så tycker jag det var en ganska stor 'hedring' så jag tackade, Ja.

Nu gäller det bara att hitta en fin liten present till henne och kanske ett kort med text som säger typ: Grattis till någonting -.- Jag vet ju inte ens vad såna barn kallas för...

Jag vet inte heller vad en gudmor ska göra..

Det är väl typ, ta hand om barnets religiösa uppfostring, eller något sånt?

Passar perfekt för mig som är, jaa, man skulle väl kunna säga, en ateist.

Även om jag nu råkat ta komfirmationen..

Anything for the money, you know.

Jag har haft konstiga ryckningar i högra handens pek-finger muskel i några dagar nu...

Hehe.. Gud vad konstigt det känns att se sitt finger röra på sig utan att behöva göra någonting XP

By the way.

I torsdags, upptäckte jag ett nytt jätte bra band, eller kanske jag vorde säga, en ny jätte bra artist.

Jag surfade runt på youtube som vanligt, i hopp om att hitta någonting värt att titta på,

så upptäckte jag den här linken vid sidan om ett av Gazette's musikvideon.

Det stod bara 'Vanilla' på den så jag tänkte, äh 'what the heck, lets give it a try'.

Så jag klickade på linken och pausade ''filmen'' så att den hann ladda klart (jag vet, min dator är extremt seg). Under tiden den laddade undersökte jag sidan lite.

Det fanns inga kommentarer och inga *ratings på låten, så jag tänkte:

jaha det är säkert en 'nobody'.

Så när jag klickade på start knappen och började se på videon, vilket i det här fallet var en PV.

Tänkte jag bara - damn! vilken charmig 'nobody'! och het var han också.

Efter att jag sett musikvideon typ två gånger, tänkte jag att det vorde kul att veta vem han var som sjöng.

Men efter som att det fanns varken namn eller kommentar, klickade jag vidare på en av "länkarna" vid kanten av sidan som det också stod 'vanilla' på och Suprise, Suprise!

Det var Gackt jag glodde på.

En av japans mest populära artister.

Jag hade aldrigt tidigare, riktigt brytt mig om honom och hans blåa kontakt linsser.

Hade alltid tänkt honom som en 'lady killer'.

Så jag hade aldrig kunnat tänka mig att han var så bra på att sjunga.

Ja.. fördomar.. Fördomar, det är vad som bygger upp sammhället nu för tiden.

Hur som helst. Har jag hittat en ny favorit låt som heter Redemption.. tror jag, orkar inte börja titta upp det nu, kanske senare sen.


Det var händelserna för denhär veckan.

Kanske jag kommer och skriver någonting senare på kvällen..

Men nu ska jag gå och proppa i mig någonting.

Tack för att ni orkade läsa mitt blogg-inlägg!


tisdag 16 september 2008

Min dag..


Igen.. Jag tror inte blogginlägget jag skrev igår sparades :/
Hur som helst.

Karate träningen var inställd igår, så jag har gått runt och varit nere hela dagen.

Min dag började med en sovmorgon, på 20 hela minuter...

Jag sov över hos brorsan i natt, så jag fick gå till skolan på morgonen, What a pain...

Det är typ 2,5 kilometer dit.

Men en liten promenad på morgonen skadar väl inte ^.^

Första lektionen, engelska läxförhör.

Andra matte, tredje språkval och till sist men inte minst, gympa...

Jaa.. Gympan, det är en riktig plåga, att springa 5 varv runt 2 fotbollsplan och spela rugby, när det bara är 8 grader varmt..

Wery refreshing..

Under språkval lektionen frågade en vänn till mig, hur det går med mina japanska språk studier och eftersom att jag inte läst nästan alls på språket under sommarlovet,

insåg jag hur lat jag varit på sistondet.

Så jag har rå-pluggat hela eftermiddagen. ^^

Visiten hos skoldoktorn, under andra halvan av engelska lektionen, gick inte så bra.

Enligt honom lider jag av någon slags rygg skada, typ.. en kota som rör på sig, eller nått sånt.

Så han vill att jag ska sluta med karaten.

Yeah right -.-

In you're dreams, sweet heart.

När jag äntligen hittat en orsak att leva, så tänker jag inte kasta bort den orsaken bara på grund av en liten rygg skada.


Han sa att jag skulle få gå på en visit hos sjuk gymnasten, för att få ett tränings schema.

But guess what, or should I say when..

Min tid, är först den 3 oktober.

Jag kommer hinna bli en puckel rygg till dess ^^
Okej.. kanske inte riktigt.

Det blir chili-kon karne till mat idag (har ingen aning hur det stavas).

Inte riktigt min favorit maträtt.

Så jag måste hitta på en bra ursäkt att undvika middagen...

Ska nog gå och pråppa mig mätt med mackor nu... Så slipper jag maten ^-^
