tisdag 31 mars 2009


I just took a quiz (sorry I haven't got anything better to write about ^^''), it was really fun but the results were a bit contradictory... This is what it said:
Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized.
Likes to point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize.
Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool.
Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed.
Loyal but not always honest. Does work well.
Very confident. Sensitive. Thinking generous. Good memory.
Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information.
Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself.
Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves sports, leisure and traveling.
Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings.
Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.

Am I really that kind of a person?.. I'm not so sure about it... For example "Fun to be around"... *Cough* Wouldn't say so *cough* yeah yeah.. This was a boring post, I know.

söndag 29 mars 2009

La vie est belle, le destin s'en écarte.

"Life is beautiful, but destiny takes a different path." That is so true... Not everyones future is as beautiful as life, I really hope that mine will be though... As my motto says "When you're angry for a minute, you lose sixty seconds of happiness." I have no intensions of wasting my life being angry ^.^ So I'll try make the best out of every situation... So that my future will be beautiful.
This is my first post in many days. I've done so much since the last post, for example; Me, Chan-chan, Josh-chan, Puh-san, Muscleman-san, Birdie-chan, Kangelbärra Blue-chan and (a new name!).. Polarbear-san(?), spent an evening together (okay maybe a litter longer than just an evening..) and had generally just fun, even though a pedofile came and told us to get lost... Birdie-chans father got really angry at this nasty man and show´d him where his place was... It was really fun ^-^ (I really respect Birdie-chans father). I just recieved a message from AnnBritt who asked me to come over to their place and stay there from next Friday to Sunday, so that Mai could learn me how to write a Japanese letter to the host family... Oh my God how I am looking frowards to that weekend! Mai is so nice ^^ I've been chatting with a girl from Germany, who I (propably) will spend the week with (in April). She's really nice and interesting, she's going to be an exchange student in August too! What a coincidence. Only that she'll be going to Latvia for ten months. But still so cool. (I learned some german from her too... BEIR! That's all I need to survive there) :D ehehee... Yeah... A girl from our parallell class assaulted Chan-chan a while ago, and this was compeletly without any reasons, later that chick said that *I only wanted to fight*... Talking about screwed... Today I haven't done so much... I've been down town with mum... and slept... That's about everything. Tomorrow I'll be vaccinated again and stuff like that... Well later then~ Oh... By the way I forgot to tell you that I got an upper ear and belly piercing last week. C~ya

tisdag 24 mars 2009

Fast Post.

I don't have much time so I'll make this short. On Sunday I arrived home around 10.pm. Monday I did the English test and turned in the Swedish essay papers. Tuesday - Today, I woke up at 5.am. to prepare the surprise for mother who has her fortysecond birthday today. I made a small birthday cake, piled up her birthday presents on the kitchen table and ligt the candle on the cake. When she came downstairs (around 6.am) she was very happy to see all this, which is pretty unusual for mum'... Because of this I've been very happy the whole day. Nyappy! ^-^ Now I'm off. Byebyee~

fredag 20 mars 2009

Long summary.

Now that I have time, I'll make a long summary of this week^^
To begin with, the reason why I'm here in Tampere is because I wanted to see An Café live, and so I did :D (more later). I'm living at my cousines place (where I am right now). I came here on Tuesday a seven hours long train ride (it didn't feel that long)... all I did was read a really good book with the name Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (Josh-chan you really should read it), and listen to music. The day after I'd arrived was the long awaited day AN CAFE! Firstly we dressed up really cute for the concert. I wore a tricot blazer with a grey t-shirt on, a pair pink leggings and a turquise mini skirt (and of course my sweet reebok shoes). My cousine had a pair of black leggings with knee high socks on, a black vest and a check mini skirt (so cute!). After we had done that we left for the concert... To find the (around) 1,5 km long queue -.-'' We had to queue for about 1 hour and 45 minutes to get in... It was freezing cold. When we finally got in we looked like a pair of Ice chicks... The place where the live was held... It was so smaaaalll... I can't believe that over 1500 peeps could fit in there. We got pretty close to the stage... about five metres. When the concert begun I seriously thought that I was going to be stone-deaf after the concert. I mean imagine around 1500 chicks screaming their lungs out... OMG o_o The guys... THEY WERE SOOOO CUTEEE!! seriously! They look exactly as good in the real life as in the pictures. And the music was so good! Miku sounded exactly like in the cd´s (no he wasn't mimicing, this was the real shit man)... Sooo cute...

This is Miku-san. it was really hard to get any pictures because of all the crazy girls who were waving around with their hands.
And you can never guess what I've got! Look!

Cute huh^^ ? It's a vest, I bought it from the concert... okay this wasn't the thing I was going to show you..

You can never guess what I've got.. Or can you? Nop. look what I've got, look what I've got!

(The picures are a bit bad) Do you know what it is?... Well it says An Cafe on this side...

And on this side it is : Kanon. Date of Birth: July 5th (crab). Blood Type: 0. Hobby: Take a wark (yes it is with a r) in AKI-BA. Favourite food: Chicken ramen. Body piercings: 1.

It's Kanon-sans plectrum :D He threw it of stage and it flew right on my cousine, but nobody else than me notised that so I got it -^.^- Nyappy people... At one point of the concert Miku threw a mumin teddy to the audience... Well in the end there was like two girls fighting over it... Really they were fighting for their lifes ^^'' Creepy.. well I didn't have to fight for this one, luckily... I lost my red cap at the concert! it fell at some point (I'd tied it around my neck) I am so depressed :( Well you've gotta' do sacrifices for something better... But still... The chick from Explorius is really bugging me, for my luck the papers have arrived there, but then suddenly the woman e-mailed me that 'you've forgotten to send your personal letter in Japanese along'.. I was like WTF. The webbsite says that you don't have to have any kind of knowledge about the Japanese language, and then they come up with something as freaky as that -.-'' Luckily I have a Japanese friend in Sweden who've invited me to stay over at her place for a weekend so that she could help me with the letter and generally teach me Japanese... Thnx Mai! Well this was everything for this time, now I'll go and see if well go and get "pierced" today (me, my cousine and her friend are gonna get belly piercings) it's nice not to have to get it alone.. Well Bye Bye Sayooooounara!

onsdag 18 mars 2009


I just recieved a call from my mum', she said that the people from Explorius had phoned her yesterday and asked how I was doing with the papers... She meant the files that I sent two weeks ago -.- I don't know what to do... I feel so mizerable, I mean, what if they won't recieve them and all the freaking hard work was for nothing? I swear that I'll make the people who've delayed the post suffer, if the files won't reach explorius office before the 22 of May. That's the last day.... After that I won't be able to send anything there... I'll so fucking kill them if they don't deliver the files... By the way, I notised that I'd messed up with the name of one of the movies we watched, it was "Tummien perhosten koti" (the home of the dark butterflies) and not "Mustien perhosten koti" (the home of the black butterflies) I sincerely apologize for this mistake of mine. That was everything for this time again, goodbye.

Far from home

Right now I'm in Tampere, I've been here for approximately 19 hours now. And so far it've been so much fun. Even though the train ride lasted for seven hours, it didn't feel as long. It was like 'over in a few minutes'. I'm a bit lost in my thoughts and drowsy, because I just woke up... Today's An cafés concert ^.^ I hope it'll be fun.
I'm kind of home alone so I'll go and take the dog out for a walk. Bye~

lördag 14 mars 2009

Can't breathe

What would you do if you'd become pregnant at the age of fifteen? Would you make an abortion or give birth to the child? I could never imagine a life with an own baby at this age. Not that I'd have the chance to make the mistake and become pregnant anyways ^^''
The classic "Does boys really prefer stick thin girls, or is it just a stupid obsessive thought that the girls have made up themself?" question has been bugging me. Everywhere we look, we see these skinny model like girls who does everything to keep themselves thin, and it's not just girls who do this, the pressure of being thin has reached the guys too, the eating disorders among guys has increased with 30 per cent (I think it was) in ten years... But is it all really worth it?.. It's true that skinny people look better in the high fashion clothes that almost every store sell... But still... Is it really true?
And now some whining:
Somewhy I feel suffocated, I can't breathe properly... Propably a panic attack... Well it wouldn't surprise me -.-'' My sleepless nights has increased after I sent the files to Explorius... Which was about a week ago... Still can't stop thinking about all kind of weird stuff... That was about everything I had in my mind... Now my it feels a lot lighter. Thnx for reading ^^ Good bye and good night. *~*

fredag 13 mars 2009

This hectic life of mine.

Somewhy I just can't seem to be able to bring myself to write in this blog of mine. I've been so busy, that I haven't had any spare time to blog. Yesterday I had the pleasure to see my Germany presentation video, that Heaton-chan (former Pucca-chan) made for me- You're the best! Seriously it was awsome! >^-^< I own you one big time. Tomorrow I'll be going to Sesshy´s birthday party. It'll be so much fun. Play games, eat cake and hang out with nice people ^v^ Today we had two national tests, both in the English subject - listening comprehension and reading comprehension, these both took around two hours each to complete, but for my surprise they weren't that difficult. Nowdays I haven't had that much leisure time for myself, which has made me tired and easily annoyed... Or at least mum' told me that I was incredibly tense today... I don't think that I'm different from normal... But that's what she said. I haven't read anything in a pretty long while... Which is very unusual for me, because othervise I'd read some manga every day... But I just don't have the time to do that... Goddamit'. I have to make some time for myself. Right now I'm stuffing my face full of candy while waiting for mum' to finish her phonecall so that we could begin watching a movie named "Mustien perhosten koti" roughly translated "The home of the black butterflies" a Finnish movie. Recently I've been thinkig about getting a belly piercing or a inner conch, they're both really nice. But I think I'd rather get a inner conch, the only problem is that it's 200 sek more expensive than the belly piercing. Which one do you think I should get? Well, now I'll begin watching the movie. Ja'ne'~

tisdag 10 mars 2009

Tsukareru ~.~

I'm tired as usually. Today was a nice day, a lot happened. For example Pucca-chan and I finally filmed the commenius presentation video... And I can honestly say that I look like a pig in front of the video camera. That isn't nice at all. No... I just can't seem to stop wondering about what kind of family I will end up living with in both Japan and Germany... The lack of knowledge is so tiring... I hope that it'll all be over soon (the waiting I mean). My friends have came up with a new nick name for me... Miss Pou... After the red teletubbie -.-'' It's all because of my red cap that makes me look like Pou... Seriously, I can't come up with anything worth writing.. Damn.. C-ya.

lördag 7 mars 2009

Winter Sports Holiday

tjojo. I just came in, I've been outside doing all kind of fun stuff. I made a "snowcastle" in the huge snow pile on our front yard ^.^ it turned out to be very nice, with a slide coming out from it. The sun is shining with all its might.. Such a nice weather :) This is our almost last day of the winter Sports Holiday.. On Monday it's school again. Well it doesn't matter, the Holiday has been so much fun! I'm not going to go into details now.
Ten days... Only ten days until I'll see An Café live ^v^ ~NYAPPY~... They've released a new single.. I think the name was something like "Bunny goes machine gun" it's really cute. well. well. I'll go and prepare some food now and maybe I'll bake something after that? yummy... Bye!
By the way - thnx Lanko ^^

fredag 6 mars 2009

The beginning at the end.

Finally I am done! I'm done with all the explorius paperwork and ready to roll... roll?... okay maybe not.. Now the waiting begins.. The most horrible part of the whole process.. To see if anybody wants to have me living with them for a whole year... Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Thank you for the comment my dear amiable friend! It's been so lonely here... It's really nice to know that at least one person is reading my blogg ^.^ thnx!
I've been collecting these different songs to a new street-CD (as I like to call it), here's a list over the songs (if you don't have the energy to read through a meaningless list of names, then just jump to the "that's all" part): 1.Sunny day-Kristina Wheeler 2.Real face-KAT-TUN 3.Grilfriend-Avril 4.Rusketusraidat-PMMP 5.Love is wicked-Brick & Lace 6.Decode-Paramore 7.Jerk-Huang Yi Da (I really like this one) 8.Hero's back-Nobodyknows 9.Cupidschokehold-Gym cla.. 10.Girl Fight-Tigarah 11. Homecoming-Kanye 12.Dirge of Cerebrus-Gackt 13.Sober-Pink 14.Mun koti ei oo täällä-Chisu. That's all.. These are the songs that raises my pulse (nice to listen to while playing basketball). That's my new goal, to become a good basketball player.. The sound of a clear shot is so... wonderful?.. yupp. It gives ya' a good feeling, doesn't it.
Earlier this evening I was at the gym with mother... It is so refreshing to run a few kilometres on that running thingy.. you know the one with the moving part that is very much like a convey belt... jah jah.
Right now I'm watching a Finish Tv song programme that goes by the name "Tartu mikkiin" (grab the microphone), it's fun to sing along with...
Now I'll go and get my well deserved rest.. haa.. äntligen. I bet that I'll be up the whole night thinking about all the different kind of people that'll see my files... I really hope... Now I'll go. CyA~¨-¨~