onsdag 1 juli 2009

31 Days left...

And there it went, the last day of June 2009... Now there's only one single month separating me from Japan... I definitely won't lose to those thirty-one days! o(_ _)o But, I still can't help it... The doubt creeps up on me every single time I start thinking about the future... I mean, what if I won't get a family? Or even worse a visa?.. These thoughts causes me minor panic attacs every time they're brought up ^^''... Seriously... even one of these two would be a dissappointment that I wouldn't be able to handle... Still let's hope for the best!! Right now I'm working on my presentation... Wonder if something like "Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Shizuka desu. Sweden kara kimashita. Watashi wa juuroku sai desu. Nihongo o benkyo shimasu. Nihongo o oshiete kudasai. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" would sound good? *Saaa*... I guess that I'll just have to ask Mai ^.^ ... I haven't heard from my friends in a while... Nanka sabishii desu yo ne.. Wonder what they've been up to? I hope everyones´ summer holidays´has been great so far! :D Even though mine hasn't *cough* ^^'' I woke up around one o'clock yesterday (Tuesday)... After that I've been working my ass of to keep my sister pleased while baking Pizzas and test cakes. Man! Mia-chan your cake aint´that frigging´easy to make! XD Somehow I became to understand my sister better that day... I realized something... Videlicet - She had ambition in her eyes... Not like a normal first grader usually has, but a lot more... This was while she was telling me about her plans for the future... It's true that she still is on the level of an eight years old child - emotionally. But she's not as stupid as they usually are... I could almost say that she's clever... Yeah. Let's leave that matter for now. I'm not sure if I've already wrote this, but I'm having a goodbye/birthday party on Saturday... I've invited a lot of people, but only around eighteen persons is notified to come... and like... five of them are guys : / Well you can't have everything ^^'' That's a thing everyone should learn the moment they enter the world :) I've started watching this Tv drama called "Rookies"...*drool *~* It's good, even though it seemed incredibly dull in the beginning... But who cares! It's loaded with awsome, hot guys playing the 10 (?) main roles :x Well, seriously, the story is pretty good too =) ... If you'll excuse me, I have some drooling that has to be done. Sayounara~

1 kommentar:

Mia-liisa sa...

I didn't force you into baking it XD