lördag 4 juli 2009

Hope...? None.

*sigh* I guess this is how it's supposed to be... I just recieved three text messages from some friends... And they all said "Sorry but I can't come to your good bye/birthday party tomorrow"... That's all... It doesn't piss me off... but I still feel a bit dissapointed... I'm sure that soon the last one of that group'll cancel too... That's what you get when you begin to look forvards to something. Well, I won't make that mistake again ^^ When a dog bites you, you won't go close to that dog again. Right?
This day has been a living hell. I've worked my ass off all alone.. Cleaning. Baking. Preparing for the party... In the end wonder if anyone will come?... Well, as long as my closest, real friends comes, anything else won't matter ^^ Come to think of it... This is a pretty good way of discovering who really is your friends and will (hopefully) remember you in a good way... *Geeez* And I prepared food for twenty peeps´ -.-'' I'll just have to hope that the guests will eat much :) ... Tomorrow will be the first time in almost one and a half years, that I'll meet Christina-san who moved away in 2008... ^-^ I'll definitly watch Rookies now! This is where I'll stop for tonight. Oyaaaasuminasai~

1 kommentar:

Lisa sa...

Jag är så ledsen att jag inte kunde komma. Verkligen ledsen :( Mår förjävligt....
Hoppas det i alla fall blev en lyckad kväll. Vi måste ses innan du åker, det är ett som är säkert.
<33 Ha det bäst.