torsdag 9 oktober 2008


Hello, minnasan.
My internet has been out of function for three days, so i'm really glad that it's fixed now! Even though I don't really have anything to write about, I'm still gonna try find some weird toughts or happenings I can torture you with^.^

Dreams... We all have them, there are many different kind of dreams. Small dreams, big dreams. Some people want to be famous, some people want to get a loving companion and find a place to settle down. The dreams are important to a person, even if you don't always realise it. To crash somebodys dream is one of the most horrible things you can physically do to another.
When I was little, my dream was to become a singer.. I've always wanted to be a person who can physically bring joy to other persons, to make them laugh and to make them feel good about themself. That was my dream.
Nowdays I've got a bit more specific dream a bigger one. I've never wanted anything so bad as I want this. I want to be able to go to Japan as a exchange student, so I could have a insight of what the life really is like there, I want to be able to experience the holiday weekends, the school life and the people.
I want to know and experience everything about Japan! Hihi.. I sound like a Japan obsessed person.. Yeah.. Well I guess I kind of am. But still that's the far most biggest and strongest dream that I've ever had.
Have you got one? If you have, then what are you doing to acieve it? Think about it. If you try as hard as you can, then I'm sure that you eventually will reach you're goal. I at least hope that (ehmm.. because I'm really trying hard)...
So think about it!

Right now I'm sitting and watching my lil'sis play. She seems really kind, when she doesn't open her mouth. She's a pure devil, hidden inside of a angels cloat. I really dislike children. Yes.. I don't like them just because they're children. My friend has tried to explain to me hundreds of times, that I can't hate children, just because they're children.. But even if you'd put it that way.. I still can't stop dissaproving them. They cry, they're stupid and they're just annoying.. I really hope that I'll mature enough someday to be able to like children.

Mew..This blog writing really is good therapy. Even if it makes me seem wery dark minded, and brings out my bad sides, It really lightens up my mind. Wich is kind of weird.. I'm just writing down my toughts.. Yeah..
Anyhow.. I hope you'll be able to reach up to you're dreams! Work hard!
Tomorrow I've got a maths test so I gotta go study now!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Nu är jag helt seriös...sluta. Alla småbarn gråter inte hela tiden, alla småbarn är inte som din lillasyster. :'( Jag blir jättefrustrerad. Jag vet att det är din åsikt men försök!!