onsdag 25 februari 2009


It's strange how I only seem to find enough strenght to blog every other day nowdays... So once again I'll go through yesterdays happenings. To make the whole day "short" I got my left hand filled with drugs and punction marks ~.~ nah.. not really. I only recieved the Twinrix (Hepatit A & B) injection and the TBC (tuberculosis) test... not such a big deal.. The weather has been incredibly nice.. I've felt much more energized than before.. hmm.. I'll try to come up with something to write about... Yeah... It's nice to have a blog, you know that?.. It's like a place where you're allowed to be compeletely selfish and no one will complain, you don't have to write about anything else than your own thoughts and feelings and if someone doesn't like the thought of you being selfish, then they simply just don't have to read what you're writing, right? so simple... Today we had an outgoing to the theatre from the school... Can you guess the name of the performance we watched?.. "Love the condom"... -.-'' yeah... #no comments on that one# Acctually it wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be.. funny and realistic, but still partly boring and somewhat... annoying?.. First we watched the movie "Juno", then "Patrik 1,5" and now this... Somehow I can't help but to get the feeling that the teachers are trying to send a subconcious message to all the students "don't have sex without a condom, or else you'll end up like Juno" and "gay people are just like straight people, they too deserve to get a family" (or something like that), it's true, gays, lesbians,bisexuals or whatever they may be, everyone deserves and has the full right to a family. This is what I think. I have to write an a-4 sized argument paper for tomorrow and I also have a test on the homework in English tomorrow morning... So I think I'll start writing on something.. maybe "gay peoples right to marriage"... that sounds nice.. JaaNee*..

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