måndag 24 november 2008

Hello life!

Right now my grandmother is at our place, cleaning with all her might-.-'' She's a really nice person... But sometimes she just goes over board with things...
Wonder how it is to grow old.. I mean.. Will it be easier to live and find your own pace to walk at? Or will it carry on like this forever, allways have to be running on the others sides trying not to be left behind?.. I wonder... Will I look uglyer than I already do? tihihi.. I really hope I won't!
YAAY! I got two comments on my last post.. I haven't been abandoned! *happy*. THANK YOU!
This day was pretty nice. We only had three lessons´: society knowledge, maths and English. And on top of that, we learnt that tomorrows maths exams has been canselled! Yatta!! Can my life turn out to better than it already is!? Actually.. It can. We also got about 20-pages and 40-questions from the society-knowledge, to memorize until Fridays' tests... I hate our SK teacher.. He's souch an annoying old man... He can't even correct an essay right >:/ almost everyone in our class got a ¨mis-¨ on a question that he didn't know the right answer to... It's The Great Basines and not Mississippi riwer!.. Ehmm... Yeah.. Forget about that ^-^'' ..
Tomorrow some people from a Finnish upper secondary school, will come and inform us about the school possibilitys there.. Maybe, if I don't get into IB I'll go to a "Lukio" (that's what they call them in Finland)... Damn... The topic came up again -.- I tried so hard to avoid it!
So.. Now Imma' go 'n eat some horrible tasting chicken food that mum' has made.. Itadakimasu! and sayonara minnasan!

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