lördag 2 maj 2009

Repeated words.

I'm home alone again... and I'll be home alone for the next... two or three days I think. It's so boring~ But I like staying home alone ^^Because you can do wathever you want to without anybody notising :D Well yeah... It's nice to have little time for yourself... but that's only a little! o(_ _)o not three days...
On Friday next week, we'll be leaving towards the capital of Sweden, just to find ourselves in a four hours long meeting with the exchange company on Saturday... We'll apparently go there by car -.- Haha* now than I glance through the post I see that it's all messed up XP Sorry for that, I just woke up. ~

1 kommentar:

Örjan sa...

Hej!!! Jag kan ju komma!! Då slipper både du och jag vara ensamma! :D