Hello all the lonely peeps out there who haven't got anything better to do than read my (pretty boring) posts.
Sometimes life feels so incredibly lonely, don't you think? Right now it feels as if I would be the only person on this entire planet... Even though my brother and his two (lunatic) friends are here, it feels as if they're just some shadows in the background of my hazy vision... I wonder what everybody else is doing right now... Are they having fun? or do they feel like I do? I hope they're all having a great time ^-^... They're worth it... Especially you... you really deserve it more than anybody else :) 1852... That's the name of the song I'm listening to... I love it =:)
...I'm beginning to feel a bit sick... dunno' why... Maybe I've eaten too much or something : / yeahyeah I'm still happy :D Oh God... My mood swings are incredible don't you think? ^^
By the way, forget the thing about Monday, we were only having a BBQ at Cedriks place, where pretty much everybody drank (apart from me). I don't want to think about that trip anymore... It's time to move forvards in the life... Maybe make some minor changes... Or why not majour ones?? Well, we'll see...
Somewhy I miss my old life where I didn't have to care about anything (only a few minor problems).. I was so happy... Okay I was normally happy... maybe... at least I was satisfied with my own life! Now I just have to work hard so that I'll become satisfied with my situation!! :D Right!!? Keep on working and it'll pay off! Nooot XP Well I guess I have to leave for the May bonfire now... Byjaeu~
1 kommentar:
Jag vet att man kan känna sig ensam..det är ganska hemskt. Men man måste också förstå att man aldrig är det. Det finns alltid någon där för dig, kom ihåg det!
Håll humöret uppe...det är snart sommar!! Och vi ska göra den här sommaren till den bästa! Eller hur!! Fokusera på de småa sakerna! <3
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