Finally I am done! I'm done with all the explorius paperwork and ready to roll... roll?... okay maybe not.. Now the waiting begins.. The most horrible part of the whole process.. To see if anybody wants to have me living with them for a whole year... Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Thank you for the comment my dear amiable friend! It's been so lonely here... It's really nice to know that at least one person is reading my blogg ^.^ thnx!
I've been collecting these different songs to a new street-CD (as I like to call it), here's a list over the songs (if you don't have the energy to read through a meaningless list of names, then just jump to the "that's all" part): 1.Sunny day-Kristina Wheeler 2.Real face-KAT-TUN 3.Grilfriend-Avril 4.Rusketusraidat-PMMP 5.Love is wicked-Brick & Lace 6.Decode-Paramore 7.Jerk-Huang Yi Da (I really like this one) 8.Hero's back-Nobodyknows 9.Cupidschokehold-Gym cla.. 10.Girl Fight-Tigarah 11. Homecoming-Kanye 12.Dirge of Cerebrus-Gackt 13.Sober-Pink 14.Mun koti ei oo täällä-Chisu. That's all.. These are the songs that raises my pulse (nice to listen to while playing basketball). That's my new goal, to become a good basketball player.. The sound of a clear shot is so... wonderful?.. yupp. It gives ya' a good feeling, doesn't it.
Earlier this evening I was at the gym with mother... It is so refreshing to run a few kilometres on that running thingy.. you know the one with the moving part that is very much like a convey belt... jah jah.
Right now I'm watching a Finish Tv song programme that goes by the name "Tartu mikkiin" (grab the microphone), it's fun to sing along with...
Now I'll go and get my well deserved rest.. haa.. äntligen. I bet that I'll be up the whole night thinking about all the different kind of people that'll see my files... I really hope... Now I'll go. CyA~¨-¨~
1 kommentar:
I'm sure that someone will take you to there home :) You totally deserve this apportunety.
Im a "stammis" in your blog btw XD
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