To begin with I want to thank Madeleine for the film suggestions, I've seen the others but 'Härmed förklarar jag er Chuck och Larry' is a movie I've never even heard of, so I think I'll check it out sometime, thanks´.
My day has been compeletly hidious. I woke up at twelve o´clock with a horrible headache and when I finally managed to drag myself downstairs, mum' stood there with the vacuum cleaner and told me to start tiding up the place... I really hate cleaning... After that we had a birthday party to attend to. It was my fathers´sisters housband who reached the age of 40. heh.. that guy has a sick sense of humour, he came up to me and asked "have you tasted that yet *pointing towards a can with an skull on (contained some kind of alcohol drink)*... not? you should, it's some good stuff" he said with a laughter.. then he continued "hey *poking me on the axle* ya' aint' still going to Japan right?" When I told him that I'd be going there in August he was like "those people can't even write! they scribble down those weird pictures instead of letters, just like cavemen!". I know that may have sounded a bit rasistic, but somehow it made me feel at ease and happy. I mean.. He's the first one who hasn't gone like "seriously?! What!?" or "no way!" These reactions are so annoying, everytime I hear them I feel like saying "are ya' stupid or something? I just told ya' that I'm going there, so how many freaking times do I have to repeat it?" but instead I just listen to the stupid questions that follow up "what are you going to do there?", emm.. maybe study? isn't that obvious, dummie. "How are you going to get there?"... Ever heard of an aeroplane? -.- baka. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with asking about stuff concerning my coming year aboard... but isn't it pretty obvious how I'll get there or what I'll be doing there.? So please spare me from these kind of stupid questions.
oh... I slipped from the main subject as usual ^^'' When we left from the party, and entered the car I kind of begun feeling bad. I thought "it's propably because of the cream gâteau I ate". So when we were about one kilometre from home, I asked mum' to pull over so that I could get off the car and walk the rest of the way back home. So she did. It felt great to be jogging, even though the weather was cold, I somewhat felt alive... strange ^^ (off subject again -.-) I jogged home while feeling great, but the feeling didn't last for long. when I entered the house I didn't stop because the bad feeling was back, only this time it was worse, so I ran to the toilet in the basement and vomited... that wasn't nice... not at all... ^-^ I guess my sisters friend who was suffering from stomach disorders gave me it -.-'' evil kid... But fortunately I feel much better now ^^ I was thinking about going to bed early today, so that I wouldn't get such an headache tomorrow again... Should I? or Shouldn't I? Well that's to be seen as the time comes. Goodbye. By the way pardon me for my many spelling mistakes, won't ya'? cya'
1 kommentar:
Haha...yesterday I felt sick too but I just ignored that and it went away ^^ Haha my kind of medicin...Seriously..I refuse to be sick now, so close to the rockshow.
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