tisdag 2 december 2008


Only 22- days until Christmas Eve... What a pain -.- ... I can't help but to think that Christmas is just something very bothersome... What I mean is that, people spend hundreds of euros on unnecesseary junk that no one needs. Because it would be rude to throw anything away, the trash'll just be left at the back of some wardrobe in your house. And besides of that, I don't like the reason why we celebrate Christmas... Some crap about a guy who dies and regenerates again. :P
Before I'm going to change the subject I'll just apologize my rude way of writing about the church stuff, to you who may be offended.. What can I say... I'm not that into religious stuff. I only took the confirmation because of the need for money.. Yeah.. well.. whatever..
Right now I'm stressed out with all the school work. The maths test that has been posponed to Friday. The author portrait that'll have to be ready for Friday too. English tasks to Monday. A bunch of Swedish assignements to Tuesday... (The days may be a bit screwd up). But you get the point.
I'm going on a camp over the weekend so I'll be home on Sunday. I look forvards to it!.. Or not really... I'd prefer to stay home instead. But you gotta' do what you gotta' do. I hope that It'll be fun...
My mom got vexed at me this morning again... For no reason -.-'' It's all my sisters fault. She makes´ mum annoyed on purpose. Always going against mothers will... I don't like her a bit. This may sound a bit childish... But I just can't help it... She's the main cause of my child-hate (I can't stand kids from approximately 4 to 12 years).
Now I'm going to study a bit before I'll start reading manga on internet XP Right now I'm reading *Akuma de Sorou* it has a nice plot, the ordinary love story--> " Bad boy meets sweet girl and opens up his heart to protect her" kind of thing. I whish guys like that would really exist! Well.. Hej då!

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