Samishii~ So lonely~ Wish there was something to do or someone to talk to... My brother just left for school (evening student). So I'm completely alone in the house again (if you don't count the pets, even they seem sad).
Hmm.. thought I'd pour my depressing thoughts into this very own little site of misery ;P Where to start, where to start... This day, as yesterday, was happenings less. I went to the station area in the intention of buying a pair of new shoes, but ended up with a pair of phone straps to my brother and cousin =.=" That's so me... always buying stuff for someone else o(_ _)o I need to get a grip -.-"
Anyways I've been a bit down lately... Okay, the truth, I've been really pissed off lately at a dude who people know as my boyfriend* Because I haven't seen that little piece of・・ In over a month now. Because of his tests (reserve spaces -all- at first tries) he's always busy studying. I understand that it is really important for him to pass his exams and enter a good university, but dude, studying 10h/day doesn't make the info stick to your brain better than 4hrs would do. And the thing is that he keeps on about how he wants to meet me soon etc. Well, if he'd want that much enough, I'm sure that a days' break wouldn't hurt -.-* Always the same thing over and over againね... Never ever a 3rd year student... That's my best advice for you. God, I hate people who don't have time >.<
Oh' I just remembered that my exams are coming up soon too =O The first one's (Japanese) now on Friday xS Damn' need to start studying""
Yuh' I know, this post was a complete waste of time for you to read, but gotta' take out my bad"フインキ"somewhere ;) Didn't help a lot though xP Now I'm off watching movies on youtube (actually music vids' but..=P) バイバイ~