onsdag 30 december 2009


Just a few minutes ago (here in Japan) the last day of this year began. It really is incredible how fast this year has passed... I mean, wasn't it just a few days ago that I sent the applications for the exchange year? This life of mine... It has compeletly changed during these 12 months that has passed by in a breeze.. Nothing's the same. I have 3 brothers (had 2 sisters and 3 other brothers before). My home town`s name is Chigasaki. I've already moved 4 times - Kawasaki, Nishi-yokohama & Kanazawa bunko (which is more than I've ever done before). Until I've (hopefully) found my final destination here in Chigasaki... (Somewhy though, I can't shake off the feeling that I'll propably have to move again =/). I've made friends with people from all over the world ex. Australia, Thailand, Korea, France, Brazil, Germany etc.. My boyfriend is a loveably admireable person, who has the determination to stick with me, even though I'm (pretty much of) a language cripple who has a lot of bad days and oversleaps all the time (came 30 minutes late for the Christmas date -.-... I'm blaming that on the clock that didn't ring though). The fact that he knows and can understand the limits of my Japanese language skills is something that you can't set a prize on... etoo... what I'm trying to say, is that it's easy to understand the things he says because he doesn't expect me to know everything and othervise just has an easily understandable way of speaking (no mumbling or super high speed- strangely shortened youths schlang words -.-") which makes him easy to be around (don't get tired as fast as you get around others when trying to understand them). Even though most of my friends nowdays mostly consists of English speaking people, I have some really good Japanese ones too^^ The most important persons in my life for the moment are: Oscar (Sweden), Amanda (Brazil) and Yuuki (Japan). These are the people that occupies my days with funny moments and hours of happiness <3 Without them I propably would've already comitted suicide or something xP By the way, I think I've became allergic towards cats... (which is a huge problem, because we have two of them here).. well, it could be a normal cold.. that makes the nose ich as hell and dries your lungs out =P My Christmas was both (Japanese -25th and normal- 24th) spent with Yuuki in Yokohama. We went to the sea world, saw the new movie "Avatar" in 3D (so good!) and just hung around in the shopping malls ^^. My new year's going to be totally different from a normal Japanese one, because of the parents and little brother, who're on a trip and returns the 1 of next year. So I'll be spending it with my 2 elder brothers. The house will apparently be filled with friends of the younger one (night schoolers). Which makes Yuuki afraid for me to get raped or something -.- They're all really nice though so they won't be doing such things - is what I assured that poor dude of ^^" Seriously, when people are talking about culture chocks, I've so far just had one big one, and that one's when I realized how perverted Japanese people are. This isn't even just the guys, but also the girls. The only thing you're afraid of while returning home at dark, is to become raped, not robbed or just beaten down, but sexually assaulted. Well, I'm going to leave that matter there. Here's a really good song by Flumpool that you definitly should check out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zyF9MwqZOE (a big plus, is that the singer is very cute ;D)... Not random at all xD
Today I had a really good day! =D Even though I felt like crap (because my hostmum got mad at me for asking if a friend could stay over at the house tonight - she'd already actually promised that it's okay the day before, but while being drunk, so she couldn't remember that fact, which made her think that I was incredibly rude. So she was just like "please stop, we're not at home so why are you asking that kind of things"). Met Yuuki in Fujisawa around 4 o'clock and the first thing he says when he sees me is "what's wrong? You look sad." Surprised me a bit cause` I was smiling at him @.@ No, I did not spill my crap on him. We went to karaoke and after that did some window shopping - all the time I felt like there was some positive energizing drug being pumped into my veins, so I forgot all about my always so drunk mum^^ When it was time to ride the bike home, I was so dying.. I bet that's a typhoon that is blowing outside right now ~.~ Because of the typhoon thingy the ride took around 25 minutes (usually 15 - when trying to be fast). Oh... I think I've got a fever... Yabai...
The first day of year 2010(!) we're (Yuuki & me) going to the jinjya... anoo... tempel! In kamakura, to pray for the coming year (at least some Japanese traditional culture experiences!! Don't get a lot of them nowdays anymore). I'm already looking forvards to the call that mum promised to make at New Years Eve! I feel at ease while talking to her every once in a while. And I've got so much to tell her too! Actually I don't... but anyways =P are.. Already 1h27min has passed since I began writing this post =o Why does the time pass by so fast in this (already) 4 months old Japanese life of mine? Why can't the good moments stay forever and the bad ones never even exist? That'd be a dream ne~ -End- of the last post, of the (propably) most happeningfull year in my entire life. テレサ

tisdag 1 december 2009


Geeh* I'm so incredibly bored, that I decided to at least start on a post now. We have a test week in school now, so I'm off for two days. Today I haven't done anything elese than slept to around half past one and eaten. When there comes up a sudden holiday or day of that I haven't made any plans for... I really don't know what to do... Luckily tomorrow I at least have plans for the afternoon (when Yuu`s school ends). There's a guy on my bus stop who's from the same school as Yuu (it's a private all boys school, so they have strict uniform rules- the only reason why I know). Oh yeah, I'm not going by bus anymore. I started walking to the station instead... Takes bout` an hour... But it's 7000 yen cheaper and I don't mind moving a bit every once in a while (haven't done that after the move from Kawasaki - where I walked 30 min to the station). So it's about time ne~.
A while ago with Amabi I bought a pair of slim fit jeans for the first time in my life. They're nice (have them on right now), though they've became a bit loose around the hips. Need to buy a belt... But I don't have money for anything anymore ~.~ The phone bill needs to be paid, hygien articles, winter clothes, christmas presents... Everything needs to be bought within the beginning of this new month >.<>.<
I still don't know what to put as the title of this post... My mind doesn't work anymore ~~
7 Pupils from my class has the 新型 influenza (aka. swine flue) and 8 others have cought a bad cold, the homeroom is so empty... We only have 20 students left. Where from most of them are boys. Nowdays I usually spend my time with Kami sama (Kami様 - God) and Amabi (Megumi様 - God of venus) xD I'm apparently the Ohime sama - Sun God (&Tepupu). We have some more, but I'm not going in deeper on this subject. I don't know why but I just don't feel like hanging out with most of the others. Yayayaaa... What else would be proper enough to fit an internet blog... There aren't so much of those things... xP I've been thinking of getting some type of self-defence thingy (heard that they sell those "especially made for girs" thingys) because the fact that there are a lot of sick (in the head) and perverted people here is pretty shocking... It's not just like "normal" lot but "extremely" many... This is qite frightening... It doesn't help a bit that our school uniform skirts are so short... or that we have to wear skirts at all... You can't ride a train without at least seeing one old dude staring at a younger female in a strange way. Usually you can't ride a train without having someone staring at you in a strange way too -.-" And the news about young girls beeing murdered, chopped into small peaces and spread all around the mountains... こわいよ <:'( This subject wasn't nice at all... Makes you kind of face the truth too roughly... CHANGE!! My host mum is preparing dinner right now... The smell is nice, she's good at cooking. Mheee* I can't get the thought of those pervs out of my head now >.< やっぱり I'll end the post here. Bye~